DDW News


Hands-on workshop will offer EMR tips for novice and experienced endoscopists

During an ASGE Hands-on Workshop on Monday, a faculty of renowned endoscopists will explore the latest technology and techniques in endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). The ticketed workshop is titled EMR.

“This is an important workshop because virtually every GI physician performs colonoscopies, during the course of which polyps are often encountered that must be removed safely and completely,” said workshop moderator Linda S. Lee, MD, medical director of Women’s GI Health at the Fish Center for Women’s Health, director of endoscopic education and co-director of the Pancreas Center at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, Boston.

The workshop was designed to appeal to endoscopists at all levels, covering the finer points of advanced technique for more experienced practitioners along with tips to help novice endoscopists further their technique, Dr. Lee said. The workshop was also designed to benefit international endoscopists, particularly those working in less-developed regions where access to the latest technology may be limited and opportunities to practice new or more advanced techniques may be rare.

“In the U.S., we’re very fortunate because we have exposure to the most current information and cutting-edge technology, which is not necessarily true in other parts of the world where it may not be as readily available,” Dr. Lee said. “Whether it’s new types of polypectomy snares or endoscopic caps, or different kinds of closure techniques, these types of workshops are really valuable for giving physicians around the world an introduction to new or different technologies.”

Dr. Lee said the workshop participants can expect to gain a broader understanding and deeper knowledge of EMR techniques and tools.
“Because there’s not just one way to perform EMR, it’s important to appreciate and understand the commonalities among all the techniques, as well as the differences, and when one approach may be better or safer to use in a certain situation versus another,” Dr. Lee said.

Please refer to the DDW Mobile App or the Program section in Monday’s DDW Daily News for additional details on this and other DDW® events.

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